Thursday, November 10, 2016

When hatred becomes worship

Here, hold my liberal hand
So Donald Trump finally won. The prolonged campaign and bitter verbal duels between Clinton and Trump are behind us and the fact is sinking in slowly, for many people. But is Trump’s win really shocking? Yes, because we were made to believe that it is impossible. Because we were told for months together that Clinton is everything that America stands for, all the liberal ideas and egalitarian ideology that America represents. Trump on the other hand is a capitalist, has evaded taxes, is misogynist, homophobic, anti-immigrant, racist, etc. All this was told to us by the so called “respected” and “neutral” media. The CNNs and NYTs of the world rallied behind Clinton. Even our own media outlets were found sharing photo frames with Clinton. So yes, the people on the street actually believed that Trump is going to lose. So much so that Indians, many of whom who may not even have a passport, are angry at his win. They are outraged and shudder in disbelief.

As the postmortem of Clinton’s defeat or Trump’s win unfolds in news studios in the next days, one of the facts that will stand out is the adverse impact of the extreme negative campaigns that the media together with Clinton ran against Trump. It was all about how bad trump is. It was never about what Clinton will do to bring back jobs and growth to America. Even if there were things that Clinton said about jobs and growth, they were drowned by the reports of what Trump said.

A prolonged negative campaign always backfires. No matter how undeserving the target is. We saw it in Lok Sabha elections in 2014 and we saw it this week in America. The lesson: common people on street are not bothered about how bad someone is. In desperate times the people worry more about jobs and economic security more than the self-actualization goals like social equality and immigration. The point was completely lost by the “liberal” media and the Champagne/Limousine socialists who feed them content.

The Indian media is increasingly looking like the out of touch American media. We are constantly fed with opinions in the name of news and debates. We are made see things from a thick coloured glass. The glass, which is dipped and let to soak in the “liberal” coulours by the m
edia. Be it anti-terrorist operations in Kashmir or shooting down of a suspected terror boat near our maritime borders or demonetizing of high value currency to tackle the black money problem. We are always fed with biased views. We are told why the government is wrong. Glorification of hardened terrorists, candle light vigils for condemned terrorists and shooting from the shoulders of daily wagers to counter the demonetizing drive is all passed as news and freedom of speech. Of course with a liberal sprinkling of cries of “stifling press freedom”.

The media has crossed the line between news and opinion. What they don’t realise is that in this age of social media and alternate platforms to access news, their biased opinions are falling flat. What they also fail to realise is that extreme forms of hate against a group or individual is always counterproductive. As Devdutt Pattanaik in his recent post wrote that hatred leads to reverse devotion. What it also leads to is awakening of the masses. People start thinking. This is where the game ends for the media.

Once a seed of thought is planted it quickly grows into a tree, which bears fruits of realisations. People see the double standards behind which the elite and Champagne socialists or private jet socialists (as the case of Clinton is) hide. The Indian media should realise that they are not catering to a country of snake charmers. We have left those days behind us. It is now time for them to wake up and redraw the line between news and opinion. Let people know what the media house stands for and which way it leans.